Director's Message



Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation - John F. Kennedy..

Keeping the contemporary global and national context in mind, we, at PPS, Manna Pindi Campus, strive to make the pursuit of excellence a way of life; a habit. Our school is filled with enthusiastic students willing to learn, supportive parents interested in their children's education, and a dedicated professional staff committed to providing the students with a quality education. We provide a balanced environment focused on shaping children into leaders of tomorrow by offering comprehensive education through a developmental approach. The school environment promotes order, independence, a love for learning, a connection to the world and a sense of social responsibility. PPS Campus nurtures the leaders of tomorrow through a unique, well-defined curriculum and a dedicated focus on "learning beyond the classroom."

Our website is a window to our vibrant school life. Our vision is to work in partnership with our pupils, parents, and the community at large to create a positive and inclusive environment for high quality learning and teaching where everyone is valued and respected.

Students at PPS are motivated to develop leadership skills and a thorough understanding of interdependence. Special emphasis is placed on the need to serve others while actively contributing to the school community and society as a whole. We encourage each child to give their very best in an attempt to realise their dreams.We look forward for seeing you in the campus!